13_HolidayStress121312The holidays are such a great time of year.  Lots of time to spend with friends and family… but this can also lead to the over consumption of many things such as food and alcoholic beverages. We all know that the best way to beat a hangover is to avoid alcohol all together. But for those occasions where you do have a few too many, I am here to help! Today I am going to give you some holistic tips to avoid that nasty hangover during the holidays!


  • The body is made up of 70% water, meaning our body needs water to function properly. Alcohol is a diuretic meaning it dehydrates you. I suggest drinking 2-3 litres of water during the day before you start drinking alcohol as well as the day after. On top of that between alcoholic drinks consumer 1 glass of water.
  • Before you go to bed have 3 glasses of water to replenish your body

Coconut water

  • Speaking of hydration…coconut water works wonders. It is full of potassium, which is lost after a night of drinking. You can include this in a smoothie or just drink on its own

Eat a healthy well balanced meal

  • If you know you are going to be drinking that day/night make sure you eat a nutritious meal, this will slow down the alcohol absorption rate. Try and include a protein source as well as healthy fats such as avocado or fish
  • The morning after drinking you may think greasy food is your best option… wrong!! This actually makes you feel worse, rather make your self a healthy breakfast such as eggs, gluten free toast with almond butter, and my delicious hangover smoothie mentioned in a previous post


  • You’re probably thinking ya right! That is the last thing you want to do… you would way rather spend the day on the couch! But trust me on this one, get your butt in gear. Even if its only going for a walk or a 20 minute bike ride. You need to sweat it out and get rid of all those toxins making you feel this way


  • B-vitamins help to detoxify your liver after consuming alcohol. I make sure to follow a night of drinking with my b-complex

Get your rest!

  • You may think that because you fell asleep quickly after a night or drinking that you got a good nights sleep. This is not the case, drinking leads to having a restless sleep. Try and go to bed extra early the night before and night after to properly recover from your loose of sleep

Avoid over consumption

  • Last but not least try to avoid drinking all together if possible! If not stick to clear alcohols such as vodka or gin. Stay away from mixing with sugary juices or pop, and use water and lemon instead

Enjoy your holidays!!


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