Well it’s that time of the year again…Christmas holidays!! This is my favourite time of the year, except that it happens to coincide with cold/flu season!! Yuck! But good news, there are ways to boost your immune system to either avoid getting sick or help get you feeling better in no time!
There is nothing more relaxing then sitting by a fire on a cold winter day with a warm beverage. So why not make it an immune boosting tea to get you through the holidays with good health.
This drink is very relaxing and is packed with healing properties.
– Half of a sliced lemon– natures antibacterial, contains high levels of Vitamin C
– 1 cinnamon stick– has natural pain relieving properties as well as antibacterial
– A few mint leaves– clears up congestion, relieves headaches and nausea
– Pinch of cayenne pepper- helps relieve built up mucous
– 1 tbsp of raw honey– antibacterial which protects against germs and is packed with enzymes and vitamins
– ¼ inch chunk of shaved ginger- relieves sore throat and congestion
Add all ingredients to a glass of filtered boiled water
Now go boost your immune system so you can enjoy the holiday season!
Happy Holidays!!