With the May long weekend fast approaching I thought now would be the perfect time to discuss wine and an alternative to conventional wines. This alternative is Organic wine which is becoming more and more popular these days. Conventional wine can contain Sulfites which have been linked to causing asthmatic issues in a small percentage of the population….but this doesn’t mean you can blame it for that shooting headache!! Some wines may also contain pesticides, synthetic material as well as fungicides. So a great way to avoid this is Organic wine.
Not to say that I am promoting drinking….but if you are wanting to have a drink or two this weekend organic wine is likely your best option.
Here are a few things to know about Organic Wine:
- Organic shuns the use of man-made compounds including fertilizers, fungicides and pesticides as well as anything that is genetically modified
- Organic fertilizers are used in the form of compost to maintain good health of the soil
- Organic grapes grow better in warmer areas such as California, south of France and parts of Italy and Spain
- It takes between 3-5 years to convert a traditional vineyard into an organic one
- Some wines are technically organic but choose not to be certified, this can be due to the lengthy and costly process of registering
- Canada has few organic vineyards in British Columbia and Ontario
So next time you want a glass of wine considering going Organic!
Enjoy the long weekend!